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Visual Tour of Moalboal

The original tour was photographed in 2000: an outline view of Panagsma. Not all of Panagsama Beach is covered but it's enough to give you an idea of what the place was like.

Moalboal is not a beach paradise but is a place where real people live, work and have fun - and this is only a snapshot of what two visitors saw during a 40 minute walk along the Beach early one morning in January 2000; you may not see the same things in the same light (hopefully the sun will be shining at least!), but anyway, here it is!

Various other people have sent me photos since Bob & Nadia's efforts, and I've included these as well. Thanks to Chris, Brian and Peter.

Let's start our look at part of Panagsama Beach beginning at the south end of the Beach outside Love's, looking out to Pescador - which is the main reason for Moalboal's enduring popularity amongst divers . . . . Next

By way of contrast, things have changed a bit since the first "Panagsama Tour" in 2000. Regula revisited the Philippines in 2009 and took some more pics - it's quite interesting to compare the differences that nine years have made . . . and the other things that just don't seem to change! This time let's start on the bus as we travel down the concrete road from Cebu.. . . . Next

Most of the 2000 tour photos copyright © thebob [at] (Bob Platts) with contributions from Chris, Per and Brian - thanks guys. 2009 tour photos are all copyright © Regula Wright.