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About Scuba Diving in Moalboal

Dive Shops

There are quite a few dive shops in Moalboal, all catering to different styles of visitors. The simplest way is to list them. If the operation has a web site, I've included a link to it (some of these links will take you out of our site).

Points for divers and wanna-be divers!

Operators charge broadly similar prices and offer much the same thing, however there are a number of instructors in Moalboal speaking different languages including English, German, Swiss-German, Japanese, French, Swedish, Dutch and Filipino. Not all shops can offer all these languages, despite what their signs may say, so check around!! Talk to your instructor and make sure that you feel you can get on with them. I am a firm believer in taking dive instruction in your native language if possible, especially for Medic First Aid, Rescue and higher level courses. Ask a certain Australian DM candidate about doing the theory for a Divemaster course with a Japanese instructor!
There are also variations in the standard of equipment offered for to students and for rent. Whilst this standard is generally better than the rule in Asia, and should always be at or better than the standards required by the instructional agencies, look before you commit yourself. Please don't make price your only consideration for choosing a dive shop. By choosing your dive shop with some care, you can help to keep the standards here high.
Check the safety equipment available; does the shop have a first aid kit, oxygen supply on the boat, communication system with the boat or transport? Do the staff you speak to know where the nearest recompression chamber is and the best way of getting there - not that you should need it, but they should still know!
Dive boat to Pescador


A little something to whet your appetite!

Here are a few photos of some of the things that you can see in Moalboal (all shots were taken in Moalboal and surrounding area except as noted) and are scanned slides taken back in the days when this was the only possible way!.
If you are a photographer and have any photos that you have taken in Moalboal, please send a note to us at info [at] and we'll be able to put them up for others to enjoy.
The following photos were taken by the photographer indicated and they reserve the right to use them. Please contact the copyright owner should you wish to use the photos in any way, even if it's only to put them on your desktop (they will appreciate the mail!). Sorry that these are low-resolution images, are not worth printing out and do not do the originals justice. But they do give a taste of what it's like! A set of more recent photos from September 2011 are here.
U/W photo
Six Barred Angel fish © Joss Warnock
U/W photo
Encrusting sponge © Joss Warnock
U/W photo
Staghorn coral © Joss Warnock
U/W photo
Anemone fish © Joss Warnock
U/W photo
Striped Triggerfish © Joss Warnock
U/W photo
Angel fish © jonas.arvidsson [at] (Jonas Arvidsson)
U/W photo
Moray eel out of its cave © simon.wright [at] (Simon Wright)
U/W photo
School of jacks, Apo Island © Simon Wright